slt j' ai installer DAEMON Tools pro et des que je l' ouver sa affiche se message
"DAEMON Tools Pro"Trial versionrequiresmandatory installation
of "WhenU Save" application(that delivers a limitednumber of
behavoirally targeted and contextually relevant coupons,ads and
comparative shopping result directly to consumers desktops-without compromising the privacy,security or smooth functioning of peoples
Pressing now"OK"button you confirm your wish to install"DAEMON
Tools Pro"Trial version(which has no time limit but requires mandatory
installation of"WhenU Save").
1)During further installation process you will see a"WhenU Save
DAEMON Tools"disclossure screen where you will have to comfirm that
youagree to install"WhenU Save"application!(were you should clik"I accept>"button)
2)Internet connection REQUIRED for installation of"WhenU Save"
peut tu m' aider stp ?